Work With Us

We are always looking for people to create with: whether you’re an artist looking to illustrate a book, a writer wanting to publish, or just have a story to tell, we are open to working with you to get your work published. Our main products are board books for every pepe, but we are open to adding variety to our catalog. Please complete the form below and include as much detail as possible. Fa’afetai!

"E le tu fa’amauga se tagata"

Nobody stands alone like an island, it is important that we work together as a team.

What do artists have to say?

“Jimmi is a force. Inspiring, positive, and constant. You can’t help but want to stay on your toes to keep up. Her attention to detail and assertiveness brings balance to a free creative type like myself. She challenged me as an artist by believing in my capabilities and vision before I could. And the enthusiasm and passion she has for what she does is supplied by the tremendous love she has for her people. From being Mommas in real life, then book Mommas to our first baby (Faitau Pi), this journey with Jimmi has been nothing short of a blessing.” - Dalcetta 

"Omg! Where do I start? Jimmi & I had a spark from the get-go. Hilarious, relatable & refreshing - hints of the type of people I love to work alongside. We both fed off of each other's energy & there's no doubt in my mind that we both share passion for family & culture. Thanks so much, my friend! X" -Kerilyn Clarke